Monday 23 May 2011

Just say No?

I don’t know why I find it so difficult to say no. It’s a simple word, one syllable, two letters… No… N-O.


I’ve complicated my life no end by not saying no, I’ve gotten myself into some truly terrifying positions and met some very undesirable people.

There have been many times in my life when I should have said no:

- No, you can’t cheat off my exam
- No, you have a girlfriend
- No, I’m too young to smoke
- No, I’m too young to drink
- No, drugs screw everything up
- No, I don’t want to be alone
- No, I will not put up with you sleeping with someone else
- No, I will not do your every bidding

Basically what I should be saying is:

- I value my work and you should do your own
- I value myself and am worth more than that
- I value my health too much
- Yes, I need help
- I have a life

If I had the strength and self-respect to say no, perhaps my life would be clearer… but perhaps I wouldn’t be me?

On the flipside, I occasionally make pacts with myself to say yes to everything, I’m sure you’ve at least heard of the movie Yes Man? I haven’t seen the whole thing but I have seen enough to get the premise.

Sometimes I say I will accept every invitation I’m offered, even if all I want to do is go home and curl up in front of the television with a good book.

I go out, I meet people I may never have met, I make my friends happy and the end result is I, 9 times out of 10, have a good time!

So maybe I need to say No more often, but in balance I do think I need to continue to say Yes.



  1. The yes/no balance is key to a happy life...just gotta choose the right option at the right time ;)

  2. Perhaps I say no to much, could be more fun from time to time to say yes...hmm. There is much to say about answers making us who we are regardless of them being good or bad.

  3. I think we open ourselves up a lot when we say yes... but at the end of the day, it depends what the question is!
